LN48-17 Nord-Norges Aero Junkers F.13 with masks for the fuselage. 14 € LN48-17 Nord-Norges Aero Junkers F.13 with masks for the fuselage. quantity Add to cart SKU: LN48-17 Categories: 1:48, Aircraft Decals Others Have Seen LN200-21 SAS Boeing B737-800 LN-RPM second Eurobonus scheme. 8 € LN144-540 SAS MD87 SE-DIP in Copenhagen 96 cs. 10 € LN144-612 Transwede old cs SE210 10B3. 10 € LN72-LE19 Fred Olsen L188 Electra in the new cs. 15 € LN200-56 Maersk Air Cargo Boeing B767-300F 9 € LN144-529 SAS MD-82 Lillehammer 94 cs. 10 € LN72-D24 Ukrainian F-16’s in RDAF colors. UA80-3599+UA80-3596 12 € LN144-534 SAS Convair CV-990A Coronado, including “Leased to Thai” 10 €