LN144-577 Norwegian B737-800 LN-NGG “Gunnar Sønsteby” 1:144 Norwegian B737-800 LN-NGG Gunnar Sønsteby. 11 € LN144-577 Norwegian B737-800 LN-NGG "Gunnar Sønsteby" quantity Add to cart SKU: LN144-577 Categories: 1:144, Aircraft Decals Others Have Seen LN144-593 SAS DMD80’s in the current cs. 10 € LN144-608 Norwegian B737-MAX 8 EI-FYB “Tom Crean” 11 € LN144-632 Norwegian B737-800 LN-NGA “Ludvig Walentin Karlsen” 10 € LN144-597 SAS Boeing B767-300 in the current cs. 11 € LN144-584 Star Air Boeing B767-200F’s, old and new scemes. 11 € LN200-LE05 Nordic East Boeing B737-300. 8 € LN144-521 SAS, DC-9 & MD80 old cs. 10 € LN72-LE20 Fred Olsen L188 Electra in the A & C cs. 12 €