LN144-603 Norwegian B787-900 G-CKKL with “Tom Crean” on the tail. 1:144 Norwegian B787-900 G-CKKL with “Tom Crean” on the tail. 12 € LN144-603 Norwegian B787-900 G-CKKL with "Tom Crean" on the tail. quantity Add to cart SKU: LN144-603 Categories: 1:144, Aircraft Decals Others Have Seen LN200-24 SAS MD80’s in the current cs. 8 € LN72-520 Bergen Air Transport/BAT and Greenlandair DC-4. 12 € LN32-D05 Royal Danish Air Force F-16 in the later scheme 2002-2021. 15 € LN144-545 www.vildanden.com ATR42’s. 8 € LN72-529 DNL Sikorsky S-43 includes window masks. 11 € LN48-D12 RDAF C-130H old schemes. 23 € LN72-561 SAS Douglas DC-8-55F, 62 and 63. Now also with window decals. 25 € LN200-41 SAS Douglas DC-10 in rainbow colors. 10 €