LN144-602 Norwegian B787-900 G-CKLZ with “Unicef” on the tail. 1:144 Norwegian B787-900 G-CKLZ with “Unicef” on the tail. 12 € LN144-602 Norwegian B787-900 G-CKLZ with "Unicef" on the tail. quantity Add to cart SKU: LN144-602 Category: 1:144 Others Have Seen LN144-659 KLM Cityhoppers F-50 all 3 schemes. 15 € LN144-547 Norwegian B737-800 LN-DYC “Max Manus” 10 € LN144-603 Norwegian B787-900 G-CKKL with “Tom Crean” on the tail. 12 € LN144-530 Braathens SAFE B737-505 LN-BRJ “Olympiaflyet”. 3 different versions of the scheme is included. 10 € LN144-583 Norwegian B737-800 EI-FJD “Miguel de Cervantes” 11 € LN144-523 Braathens SAFE, B737-400 LN-BRI “Vi flyr Drillos” 10 € LN144-527 Norway Airlines B737-300’s, including the Air Europe versions. 10 € LN144-526 Braathens SAFE Fokker F-27. 10 €