LN144-638 SAS Boeing B747 in rainbow colors. 1:144 SAS Boeing B747 in rainbow colors. 11 € LN144-638 SAS Boeing B747 in rainbow colors. quantity Add to cart SKU: LN144-638 Categories: 1:144, Aircraft Decals Others Have Seen LN72-577 SAS Convair CV440 last scheme. With masks for windows. 20 € LN200-04 Braathens SAFE B737-200 old and new scheme. 8 € LN200-35 SAS A320 NEO old cs. 8 € LN200-03 Braathens SAFE B767-205 10 € LN144-610 Jet Time new colours B737-700/800. 10 € LN200-05 Norwegian B737-800W LN-NOL with the 6000th tail. 8 € LN48-11 Widerøe Oxford. 11 € LN72-D06 Royal Danish Air Force F-16 in the early scheme. 1980-2002. 11 €