LN144-601 Widerøe DHC-8-100’s new scheme. 1:144 Widerøe DHC-8-100’s new scheme. 9 € LN144-601 Widerøe DHC-8-100's new scheme. quantity Add to cart SKU: LN144-601 Categories: 1:144, Aircraft Decals Others Have Seen LN72-531 Sun-Air and leased by Coast Air BAE 31 Jetstream, includes window masks. 10 € LN72-LE29 Skogbruksfly D.H.89A including masks and silver window frames. 14 € LN48-04 Norsk Luftambulanse/Norwegian Air Ambulance EC145. 10 € LN200-03 Braathens SAFE B767-205 10 € LN144-510 Braathens, Boeing 737-405/505/705, last cs. 10 € LN144-623 Norwegian B737-800 EI-FVT “Bobby Moore” 11 € LN32-D04 Royal Danish Air Force F-16 in the F-35A colorscheme. 15 € LN200-37 SAS A320/321 new cs. 8 €