LN72-535 Transit-Air DHC-3 Otter, includes window masks. 1:72 Transit-Air DHC-3 Otter, includes window masks. 8 € LN72-535 Transit-Air DHC-3 Otter, includes window masks. quantity Add to cart SKU: LN72-535 Categories: 1:72, Aircraft Decals Others Have Seen LN72-D02 Royal Danish Air Force splitflags. 10 € LN48-LE04 Vest-Norges Flyveselskap A/S, LN-EAO, Waco YKS-7. 12 € LN72-555 Braathens SAFE Douglas DC-6B. Includes masks for the windows. 20 € LN144-576 Norwegian B787-800 EI-LNE “Roald Amundsen” 12 € LN32-D17 Ukrainian F-16’s in RDAF colors. UA80-3599+UA80-3596 16 € LN144-594 SAS MD87 in the current cs. 10 € LN72-LE23 Air Norway and North Flying Fairchild SA227 Metroliner. Including masks for windows and wheels. 10 € LN144-590 SAS Boeing B737-800 LN-RPM second Eurobonus scheme. 10 €